Friday, January 13, 2006

13 January 2006 Orcalab reports:

14:07 PST Distant calls audible.

The I15s and the I31s are still here.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

11 January Orcalab reports:

13:01 PST Superb sounds!!

This morning before 10am we began to hear very distant G clan calls through the constant boat noise in the Strait. We believe the I15s headed west toward beaver Cove and then turned just before 11:30am. Right now it sounds like they are off the entrance to Blackney Pass. Still not completely sure whether or not the I31s are with them. A DFO research boat is out there with them hoping to get some winter feeding data and they may supply the answer! The weather is very changeable but right now, although raining, improving somewhat.
Helena & Paul

14:46 PST Boat noise

We got confirmation on the I31s - all there, I80 still with his uncle I46 - along with the I15s. i41 is still there and looking much the same as he did in the summer. Thanks to Jared Towers for this report. From the calls we believe the whales have continued to the east past Critical Point. There is only boat noise now.
Helena & Paul

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

10 Januari 2006, Orcalab reports:

10:23 PST No calls but orcas nearby
This morning (0340) we had the pleasent surprise of hearing I15s and possibly the I31s in Johnstone Strait heading east toward Robson Bight. A nice winter visit. We will let you know when they return.
Helena & Paul