Monday, January 29, 2007

29 January 2007, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

We just had some of the I31s travel through blackney Pass to Johnstone Strait. They are now east bound in the Strait.
29 Jan 2007 14:29:14 PST

No orcas present.

There was a lot that happened today. The I33s along with I46 and I80 went through Blackney Pass as reported and then headed east. The I35s (the other members of the I31s) unexpectedly turned up off Cracroft Point and went west. We are not sure if they had followed the others in un-noticed and then went on their own way. Just as this was happening several transients were also westboud further "up" the Strait. They went out via Alert Bay. It is a crazy amount of activity for this time of year. The day was gorgeous and if we weren'ty having to wear our sweaters and warm clothes we might believe it was summer!
29 Jan 2007 18:48:11 PST

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