Sunday, September 14, 2008

I31s with A30s in Robson Bight

Distant calls audible.

Our up and down internet is difficult to work around and today was no exception. For your information: In short, the A12s went out via Blackney Pass just before 1 am. That left the A30s and the I31s still in johnstone Strait. This afternoon these two groups came back into range from the east. It was a pretty low keyed day with the I31s doing most of the vocals, and most of the time, just resting calls. We are not sure where the A36s ended up. Now, the fog has closed in.
14 Sep 2008 18:40:32 PDT

Superb sounds!!

Lovely sounds from the A30s and the I31s in the Bight!
14 Sep 2008 19:41:36 PDT

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